Vietnam travel guide Vietnam urgent visa vietnam visa 2023 台灣公民 越南签证 越南簽證 越南落地簽證

2023 申請越南落地簽證最新指南 – 去越南旅遊之前必知


首先大家要知道:越南落地簽證是允許全部外國遊客可以在越南的任何國際機場之一領取簽證。可是想在越南國際機場之一領取簽證的外國朋友請不要忘記提前在網上申請好簽證許可函(visa approval letter)。那麼如何申請這份信函呢?





辦理落地簽證的緊急服務:目前有緊急服務 – 3 個工作日收到簽證的那種(申請時可以選擇)。可是費用特別高的所以能早點辦理簽證喔!

2023 申請越南落地簽證最新指南 – 去越南旅遊之前必知


  • 護照信息頁掃描,
  • 越南酒店地址(朋友家地址也行)
  • 往返機票確認(這個是非常重要的喔,移民部會按照你們的機票來批准簽證,簽證效期會按照機票來處理,偶爾會加3-4日,沒有跟以前一樣會給一個月的簽證)。

收到您提供的全部資料後,我們會馬上給您處理簽證。您只要等7個工作日後,查一下email(若沒看到就試試查一下spam mailbox)。

登機之前要準備的文件:護照原本,簽證許可函(打印黑白顏色也沒事),填寫好入出境申請表(填寫入出境申請表的指南),2張跟護照照片大小一樣的照片(4*6CM;白色或藍色背景)和簽證蓋章費用(單次入境:25美金;多次入境:50美金)- 美金或越南盾都行。

抵達越南機場:前往落地辦公室(Visa on arrival office)排隊提交上面已經準備的那些文件。然後等叫名,提交25美金收到簽證。收到簽證後也要再三檢查簽證上面的信息是否正確然後前往到海關門口排隊入鏡越南。




Vietnamese landing visa allows tourists to get visas at one of Vietnam’s international airports. Applicants must complete the visa approval letter of the landing visa before the trip.

Vietnamese landing visa allows tourists to get visas at one of Vietnam’s international airports. Applicants must complete the visa approval letter of the landing visa before the trip.

Vietnamese landing visa allows tourists to get visas at one of Vietnam’s international airports. Applicants must complete the visa approval letter of the landing visa before the trip.

Vietnamese landing visa allows tourists to get visas at one of Vietnam’s international airports. Applicants must complete the visa approval letter of the landing visa before the trip.

Vietnamese landing visa allows tourists to get visas at one of Vietnam’s international airports. Applicants must complete the visa approval letter of the landing visa before the trip.

Please read this article before you apply for a Vietnam visa. Because many friends who hold BNO passports think they can apply for a Vietnamese e-visa with this passport.

Vietnam’s most popular visa application methods are E-visa and landing visa (visa on arrival). However, many friends told us they needed help understanding these two visas’ differences.

Presently, citizens of 80 countries, including Indians, can apply for Vietnamese e-visa online. Applicants can apply for an e-visa directly on the website of the Immigration Department, but please note that the processing time is about seven days, so if you apply there, please apply earlier.